ShowPageSection - Layout 3 - Banner Link
This special layout of the Page Editor will display the user uploaded graphic as a Hyperlink, which can be specied within the Intellogy Content Manager. The hyperlink specified can be internal or external to the site, and can be specified to open in the current browswer or a new window. Great for home pages that want to callout certain features that change.
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Celebrate Life

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Suspendisse mauris velit, imperdiet non, bibendum non, dapibus et, felis. Donec magna arcu, facilisis eu, sodales vitae.

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Vaction Bible School

Aliquam orci elit, faucibus in, interdum eu, sollicitudin quis, libero. Vestibulum vulputate mi sit amet metus. Suspendisse potenti. Maecenas et nisl. Ut dapibus ullamcorper felis.

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ASP Tags Used To Generate This Sample:
<% gee.ShowPageSection 123456, 410, "layout=3; image-width=185; image-height=95;" %>
<% gee.ShowPageSection 123456, 415, "layout=3; image-width=185; image-height=95;" %>
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